Dr. Joseph Aferzon M.D., M.S., Chief dept. of Neurosurgery at the Hospital of Central Connecticut, Co-Director of Connecticut Spine Institute for Minimally Invsive Surgery(CSIMIS) is a Board Certified Neurological Surgeon treating diseases of the head and spine. Originally from Ukraine, Dr. Aferzon has a master’s degree from Courant Institute of Mathematics at New York University having majored in Mathematics and Computers with application to bio-medical sciences. Having completed his Neurosurgery residency at Hartford Hospital / University of CT, Dr. Aferzon has scored the highest grade in the history of his Neurosurgery program, and the third highest in the country, on his written boards, and has been selected as the clinical instructor for the Neurosurgical Oral Boards held in Hartford, CT.
Dr. Aferzon has 12 years of clinical experience and has been actively involved in testing and development of advanced surgical techniques. His particular area of expertise is in minimally invasive spinal fusions. Dr. Aferzon is a Nationally Recognized spine surgeon and has consulted for several prominent spine companies and authored numerous patents relating to minimally invasive spinal instrumentation. He was the first surgeon in Connecticut to be accepted as a member of SOLAS – Society for Lateral Access Surgery.
Dr. Aferzon and Dr. Bash have been selected as the Center of Excellence by Abbott Spine and are training other spine surgeons on the minimally invasive surgical techniques. Both doctors have also performed the largest number of minimally invasive, muscle sparing Lateral Access surgeries in the state of Connecticut and are one of the few sites in the country chosen to develop and perform Facet Boltsurgery, which is a less invasive alternative to pedicle screw fixation. Specific areas of experience include Cervical and Lumbar disk replacement, minimally invasive TLIF using “Pathfinder“, XLIF(lateral access including the plate), Cervical and Lumbar endoscopic microdiskectomies, muscle sparing anterior lumbar fusions, facet bolt instrumentation.
In 2007, Dr. Aferzon was chosen as one of the “Top Neurosurgeons in Connecticut” in a pole conducted by Connecticut Magazine where other doctors were asked which Doctor they would choose for their families.
In close collabration with prestigeous spine centers, physical therapists and rehabilitation doctors, Dr. Aferzon will exhaust all non-surgical options prior to recommending surgery to his patients.
Dr. Aferzon is a member of Amercan Academy of Neurological Surgery, Congress of Neurological Surgery, National Association of Spine Surgeons,New England Neurosurgical Society, Society of Lateral Access Surgeons.